SAGE MENTOR | Emotional intelligence Coach

How Lack of Emotional Intelligence Impact Your Well-being


In the fast-paced modern world, our focus on cognitive intelligence often overshadows the importance of emotional intelligence (EI). While cognitive intelligence helps us solve problems and make decisions, emotional intelligence is the cornerstone of understanding, managing, and effectively utilizing our emotions. Surprisingly, a deficiency in emotional intelligence doesn’t just affect our relationships and social interactions; it can also profoundly impact our overall health. This article delves into the lesser-known consequences of inadequate emotional intelligence, shedding light on its potential role in conditions such as bipolar disorder, dementia, fatigue, and other physical ailments.

The Ripple Effect on Mental Health

Bipolar Disorder: The tumultuous ups and downs of bipolar disorder are not solely influenced by genetics or external triggers. Emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in managing mood swings and emotional stability. Individuals with low EI might struggle to recognize their emotional triggers, leading to uncontrolled emotional outbursts and exacerbating the symptoms of bipolar disorder. The inability to understand and manage emotions can further hinder effective communication with therapists and limit the effectiveness of treatment.

  • Example: Sarah, diagnosed with bipolar disorder, often disregards early signs of escalating emotions due to her low emotional intelligence. Consequently, her mood swings intensify, making it challenging to maintain healthy relationships and adhere to treatment plans.

Dementia and Cognitive Decline: Research suggests a strong connection between emotional intelligence and cognitive health. Individuals with low EI may struggle to regulate stress, leading to chronically elevated cortisol levels—a hormone that damages brain cells. Over time, these cells become more susceptible to conditions like dementia and cognitive decline.

  • Example: John’s inability to manage work-related stress causes chronic cortisol release. Eventually, he develops memory issues and struggles with cognitive tasks, signalling the onset of early-stage dementia.

The Physical Toll of Emotional Ignorance

Chronic Fatigue: Emotional intelligence isn’t just about understanding and managing emotions; it also involves recognizing the feelings of others. Low EI individuals may struggle with empathy, making it difficult to understand the emotional needs of those around them. This lack of connection can lead to feelings of isolation, triggering stress responses that contribute to chronic fatigue.

  • Example: Lisa’s colleagues often complain about her lack of empathy. Unaware of her actions’ impact on others, she remains isolated at work, leading to chronic stress and persistent fatigue.

Immune System Suppression: Emotional intelligence is intertwined with our body’s stress response. Poor emotional management can lead to chronic stress, suppressing the immune system. A weakened immune system makes the body more susceptible to infections and chronic illnesses.

  • Example: Mark’s inability to cope with the emotional demands of his high-pressure job results in chronic stress. Consequently, he frequently falls ill, unable to fight off common infections.

Taking Action for Better Emotional Intelligence

Cultivating Emotional Awareness: Developing emotional intelligence begins with self-awareness. Regular self-reflection and mindfulness exercises can help individuals recognize their emotional triggers and patterns.

Practising Empathy: Empathy is a cornerstone of emotional intelligence. Engaging in active listening and trying to understand others’ perspectives can significantly enhance one’s EI.

Seeking Professional Help: Just as one would consult a fitness trainer to improve physical health, seeking therapy or counselling can help enhance emotional intelligence. Trained professionals can provide tools to manage emotions and improve interpersonal relationships.

Stress Management Techniques: Incorporating stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and exercise can help keep emotions in check and reduce chronic stress’s impact on mental and physical health.


Emotional intelligence isn’t just a soft skill for effective communication; it’s a critical aspect of overall well-being. Ignoring emotional intelligence can have far-reaching consequences, affecting mental health, cognitive function, and physical health. By recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence and taking proactive steps to improve it, individuals can unlock a path to healthier relationships, enhanced mental clarity, and a more resilient body. Embracing emotional intelligence isn’t just a choice—it’s an investment in a happier, healthier life.

Unlock the power of emotional intelligence today. Start by practising self-awareness and empathy in your daily interactions. Consider seeking professional guidance to strengthen your emotional intelligence skills and pave the way for a more fulfilling life.

Remember, a healthier future starts with understanding and harnessing the power of emotions. Don’t let emotional intelligence take a back seat—take action now! If you are unsure of HOW then talk to us and let us help build your emotional muscle to live a happy and healthy life

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